This summer has been flying by. Daniel Gracie has come in town for 2 months to train with my Kru, Mark Dellagrotte at Sityodtong. Daniel is also good friends with one of my client's and mentor's Tim Barchard. Since they are both big proponents of my work, they naturally suggested that Daniel train with me.
After the first training session, he said "you're gonna be my new strength coach." Coming from a Gracie Professor, that was flattering. Plus, I was not going to argue with someone who is 6'3" and 230. He is great guy and very open to coaching. I found it a bit perplexing that he was uninformed about some simple training protocols, since he has trained with some of the top trainers around. Daniel is a hard worker and won't quit for anything. He has a new nick name for me "Kevin Evil."