Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Strength and Conditioning Certification

We had particpants from around the country (including Alaska) attend the most recent Burn with Kearns' Core Concepts Certification. Friday afternoon, we started with the art of training. This is really important to me since I believe training is an art just as much as a science. We finished off the day with evaluation techniques and started Burn with Kearns (BWK) Phase 1 programming. Later, a network dinner enabled everybody to rap and hear different experiences with client training.

Saturday we started bright and early and finished Phase 1 BWK programming. In the afternoon, we explored Explosive Power Concepts in a very in depth manner. By the end of the day everyone was pretty well fried and needed to refuel at dinner.

Sunday sesssions included warm ups, BWK Gas in the Tank protocols and partner drills. I threw the kitchen sink at them and they loved it! After lunch, one of my professional fighters came by so everybody could see BWK training in action. At the end of the day we had an hour review session, Question & Answer forum and then everyone exchanged email addresses and said their good byes.